Carbon Credits

Carbon credits are financial instruments used to reduce or offset greenhouse gas emissions. A carbon credit is earned through projects that prevent the release of one ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

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News from Us

Elektrik Ticareti Nedir?
What is Electricity Trading?

Electricity trading refers to the process of selling electrical energy from producers to consumers. This trade typically occurs in electricity markets or exchanges and involves energy producers, energy suppliers, retailers, industrial and commercial customers, as well as end users. Electricity trading takes place in two main forms: The main components of electricity trading include: the balance of supply and demand, production costs, market regulations, and determining electricity prices.

Sürdürülebilir Geleceğe Doğru Adımlar
Steps Towards a Sustainable Future

With the increasing energy demand worldwide, there is a growing focus on environmentally friendly and sustainable energy solutions.

Karbon Sertifikalarımız
Our Carbon Certificates

The Kyoto Protocol criteria assign CO2 credits to companies with high CO2 emission values.

Türkiye’de ve Dünya’da Enerji
Energy in Turkey and the World

Energy is one of the cornerstones of the modern world and holds vital importance.

Karbon Kredisi
Carbon Credit

A carbon credit is a financial mechanism used to reduce or offset carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. A carbon credit represents a measurement of preventing the release of one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) into the atmosphere or reducing existing emissions through specific projects or activities. Carbon credits can be obtained in two main ways: Carbon credits can be traded in voluntary carbon markets and regulatory carbon markets

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